Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Everything You Want

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I am everything you want. I am everything you need.
I am everything inside of you. That you wish you could be
I say all the right things. At exactly the right time
But I mean nothing to you. And I don't know why
And I don't know why why. I don't know.

Song: Everything You Want
Artist: Vertical Horizon
Album: Everything You Want

I've been looking for this song for such a long time that I had even forgotten the lyrics of this song. I just remembered it was great and now that I got it back, I realized that it was even better than I have remembered. Great song really.

It's not some sappy relationship song. No offense, really, but the singer said himself that it's about him reflecting on his life and trying to become the person he really wants to be. When he says "You", he's basically talking to himself, like "Hey, wake up! Everything you want is right in front of you. Why are you letting it passes you by?" You can interpret this song however you want. That's what music is all about and this is why I love it! It may mean something totally different for someone else than it does for me and still be just as valid.

Check out their new album "Burning The Days" available now.


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